Geospatial Section

The Seattle District Geospatial Section provides support for:

  • BIM, CIM, GIS, CAD, O&M Facility Data Exchange, COBie, ProjectWise, UAS, and Reality Capture technology support for USACE Seattle District.
  • BIM and COBie-MHS support for the USACE Mandatory Medical Center of Expertise for Defense Health Agency (DHA) and Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)

Frequently Asked Questions

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Expand List item 24199Collapse List item 24199  1. General Questions
  • What are some common mistakes made with GIS submittals?
    • Not understanding that GIS submittals are required on the project.
    • Not obtaining a template from the district GIS Manager.
  • Can you convert the .rvt or .dgn or .dwg to another format? You specify a certain submittal format but the Government Furnished Materials were in another format, can you provide the submittal format required so we can update that?
    • If the Government Furnished Materials (GFM) are specified as Bentley formatted files (.dgn), and the deliverable specified as Autodesk formatted files (.dwg), it is the responsibility of the contractor to convert the files or utilize a service provider to convert the files. The Seattle District will not perform format conversions regardless of size or quantity.
    • If the GFM are Revit (.rvt) files and the deliverables specified include CAD exports, it is the responsibility of the contractor or service provider to export the sheets to CAD and ensure the files are in accordance with the CAD standards specified. The Seattle District will not perform CAD exports from BIM regardless of size or quantity.


Expand List item 24198Collapse List item 24198  2. COBie and Facility Data
Expand List item 24197Collapse List item 24197  3. Project Execution Plan (PxP)

NBIMS Process Map Templates

  • 3.2. What are some common mistakes made with PxPs?
    • Not using the latest USACE PxP template.
    • Not including process maps for each model use (required and contractor elected) identified in "SECTION C: PROJECT GOALS / ADVANCED MODELING OBJECTIVES", "2. MODEL USES:" table.
    • Not submitting the Minimum Modeling Matrix in PDF and Excel formats.
    • Not including "C" for each contractor elective model use in "Section C: Project Goals/Advance Modeling Objectives", table "2. Model Uses".
    • Not including a point of contact in "Section D: Organizational Roles/Staffing" for each contractor elective model use.
    • Not including process maps in "Section E: Advanced Modeling Process Design" for each contractor elective model use identified.
Expand List item 24203Collapse List item 24203  4. Survey and Navigation
Expand List item 24202Collapse List item 24202  Acronynms
  • BIM - Building Information Modeling
  • CIM - Civil Information Modeling
  • CAD - Computer Aided Design
  • DHA - Defense Health Agency
  • DVA - Department of Veterans Affairs
  • GIS - Geographic Information Systems
  • M3 - Minimum Modeling Matrix
  • MBR - Minimum BIM Requirements (Defense Health Agency, Military Health System BIM requirements)
  • MHS - Military Health Systems
  • O&M - Operations and Maintenance
  • UAS - Unmanned Aircraft Systems