Technical Center of Expertise for the Preservation of Historic Buildings and Structures

Contact Us

Matthew Punke, Planning Section Chief



Lys Perhay, Program Manager


TCX Services

  • Architectural Services
  • Inventory, Evaluation and National Register Nomination
  • Recent Technical Studies
  • Section 106/110 Compliance
  • Training and Workshops

Historic Structures and Buildings

Technical Center of Expertise for the Preservation of Historic Buildings and Structures

The TCX is USACE’s technical lead and advisory center on matters of the historic built environment falling within the agency’s responsibility under the National Historic Preservation Act. Services and deliverables are offered on a reimbursable basis, to project managers and cultural resources staff at USACE Districts, DoD installations and other federal agencies. Drawing from broad technical experience and educational credentials in historic preservation, services are provided within the USACE’s historic built environment community of experts. Historic resource subjects include buildings, structures, objects, vessels, landscapes, and civil works projects.

Leadership Areas

  • Technical Guidance and Publications
  • Historic Building and Site Planning
  • Treatment Guidelines
  • Masonry and Wood Evaluation and Conservation
  • National Register Nominations, Context Statements, Historic American Buildings Survey and the Historic American Engineering Record
  • Cultural Landscapes - Evaluation, Design, and Management
  • Historic Buildings Training

TCX Services

Architectural Services

Assist with structural, design and technical issues relating to the preservation and rehabilitation of historic properties.

These services include:

  • Planning
  • Federal compliance and review procedures
  • Engineering assessments
  • Preparation of reports and studies
  • Design solutions that meet Federal preservation standards, Anti-Terrorism Force Protection and sustainability goals
This photo shows an example of floodproofing by increasing first floor elevation. The elevation is sympathetic and deferential to the historic home's features.
Flood vents allow water to pass into or out of a building's exterior foundation walls, equalizing pressure during flood evens and minimizing the risk of structural damage.
Cape Cod – 4 Foot Elevation Change Concept
Street scape design concept for a 10 foot elevation change, taken from Insight into Elevating, Elevating Historic Buildings for Flood Resilience.
This photo shows historic homes with flooding caused by climate change in the state of Rhode Island.

Inventory, Evaluation and National Register Nomination

  • Prepare inventories of individual historic properties and historic districts that provide physical descriptions and explain the significance of properties.
  • Evaluations can also identify the best preservation treatments that comply with:
    • Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
    • Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic Properties with Guidelines for the Treatment of Cultural Landscapes
  • Prepare complete applications to the National Register of Historic Places, to include research, writing, application preparation, photography and mapping.
This historic reconstruction of a one-story building mill retention pond was damaged during flood events.
The Provincetown City Hall, located in Rhode Island, is a multistory historical building impacted by flooding.
The City of Newport, Rhode Island's Maritime Center is located in a flood zone.
This historic fire station in Newport, Rhode Island is now part of the flood zone and was impacted by rising flood waters.
This two-story vernacular property in Massachusetts was impacted by flooding from a storm surge.
This residential property in Massachusetts is protected from flooding by rear permeable landscaping.

Recent Technical Studies

A History of Flood Control on the Stillaguamish River, the Stillaguamish Weir, by Agnes F. Castronuevo, Feb. 2021

Available upon request:

  • Forensic Investigations of Wood Components to Assess Load Bearing Capacity in the Jenkins House, Lesage, West Virginia
  • Forensic Investigation of the Sheridan and Ord-Weitzel Gates, Arlington National Cemetery


Section 106/110 Compliance

  • Provide interpretation and advice about federal regulatory responsibilities for treating and maintaining historic properties.
  • Coordinate compliance requirements between clients and federal, state and local preservation organizations.
  • Develop programmatic agreements and memoranda of agreements to conclude historic preservation responsibilities.
  • Photographic, graphic, and written documentation and recording of historic properties can be undertaken for endangered properties, pre-construction documentation and HABS documentation.


The Mansfield Hollow Dam operators' house was documented on 4x5 black-and-white film for the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) prior to its demolition.
This photograph, shot as part of the HABS/HAER program, provides a detailed look at the now-demolished India Point Railroad Bridge's decking.
This photograph, shot as part of the HABS/HAER program, provides a detailed look at the now-demolished India Point Railroad Bridge's pier and connections.
The India Point Railroad Bridge was photographed on 4x5 black-and-white film before its demolition as part of documentation for the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER).
An Architectural Historian takes a large-format photo on the Pend Orielle River.

Training and Workshops

  • Provide instruction and in-field training for a range of topics including:
    • Historical evaluation of properties
    • Regulatory responsibilities under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act
    • Technical preservation treatments
    • Maintenance of historic properties


  • Training can be directed to a wide audience including:
    • Cultural resource specialists
    • Real estate managers
    • Building administrators
    • Maintenance personnel

The TCX currently offers an annual training opportunity through the prospect series: Historic Structures I

Individual training for campuses and installations may be provided upon request. Please contact: Lys Perhay at 206-764-3422 or for more information.

DoD Environmental Planning & Conservation Webinar Series: Cultural Resources

Operation and Maintenance Training: A Special Program for Historic Buildings

Porch structure design guidance
Operation and Maintenance Training at West Point Academy
Floodproofing Training slides
Operation and Maintenance Training at West Point Academy
Operation and Maintenance Training at West Point Academy
Areas the TCX provides training in
Operation and Maintenance Training at West Point Academy

Environmental and Cultural Resources Branch

The TCX is part of the Environmental and Cultural Resources Branch (ECRB), which provides technical advice and environmental leadership on District projects such as ecosystem restoration, flood control, navigation, dam and lock operations, military construction, environmental remediation and emergency management.

UFGS 040300

Now Available!   Newly Revised Technical Guide:       

UFGS 040300  Conservation Treatment for Period Masonry 

Restoration and Cleaning of Masonry in Historic Structures