
This project is a comprehensive restoration program for the entire Green/Duwamish ecosystem spanning the tidal estuaries to the spawning and wildlife habitat areas in the upper basin.  Congress authorized 45 separate project elements located that emphasize the restoration of critical habitat within the Green/Duwamish River watershed.  Several anadromous fisheries stocks and wildlife species are threatened or are listed endangered, significantly affecting the Puget Sound watershed.

The project was authorized in the Water Resources Development Act of 2000.  Total implementation cost is currently estimated to be $292  million, cost shared 65% federal, 35% non-federal.  This project has the full support of King County, the cities in the basin, Muckleshoot and Suquamish Indian Tribes, the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Trout Unlimited, as well as numerous other local resource agencies.

The Corps of Engineers in partnership with local sponsors have constructed eight of the 45 projects:

1. Meridian Valley Creek (Kent, Wash.) - completed in the summer of 2005
2. Lake Meridian Outlet Phase 1 (Kent, Wash.) - completed in the summer of 2007
3. North Wind's Weir (Tukwilla, Wash.) - completed in December 2009
4. Lake Meridian Outlet Phases 2 & 3 (Kent, Wash.) - completed in November 2011
5. Upper Spring Brook Creek (Renton, Wash.) - completed in November 2011
6. Riverview Park (Kent, Wash.) - completed 2013
7. Big Spring Creek (Enumclaw, Wash.) - completed 2014
8. Mill Creek (Auburn, Wash.) - completed 2017

As more information becomes available, the team will post data, events and milestones on the various sections of this site.