US Army Corps of Engineers
Seattle District Website

DMMP Program Updates

Adaptation is an integral part of the Dredged Material Management Program as science evolves, regulations change, and experience and data inform us. Program updates and changes are proposed at the Sediment Management Annual Review Meeting (SMARM) by agencies or interested parties. All proposals are either accepted, dropped, or modified based on feedback from the SMARM process.

        Duwamish gravel barge



Contact the DMMO

Seattle District (CENWS)
Dredged Material Management Office
PO Box 3755
Seattle, WA 98124-3755


White Paper Updates to Dredged Material Management Program

Updates are documented in the dropdown menus below, with links to the final (PDF) papers.

  • Many papers are listed in multiple categories. 
  • Papers that were not implemented, or have been updated with subsequent papers, are not shown.
  • To search the dropdown menus: choose "Expand All," then hit Control + F. This gives a search bar at the top of the browser for typing in key words.
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Year Title Paper Type

Adoption of Elements of the Sediment Evaluation Framework for the Pacific Northwest for Use in the Dredged Material Management Program

2016 Revised Evaluation Guidelines for Benzyl Alcohol in Marine Sediments Clarification

Updated Dioxin Testing Requirements for Dispersive Disposal Sites in Puget Sound

2015 Reporting Summed Concentrations with J and/or U Flags Clarification
2015 Tributyltin (TBT) Measurement Basis Clarification
2015 Proposal to Revise Freshwater Sediment Screening Levels Issue
2012 Use of Practical Quantitation Limits (PQLs) to Establish Cleanup Standards for Contaminated Sediment Sites under the Sediment Management Standards (SMS) SMS Issue
2011 Marine Sediment Quality Screening Levels: Adopting RSET Marine SLs for Use in DMMP Clarification
2010 New Interim Guidelines for Dioxins - revised 2016 Issue
2010 Revised Supplemental Information on Polychlorinated Dioxins and Furans (PCDD/F) For Use in Preparing a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Clarification and technical guidelines
2010 Polychlorinated Dioxins and Furans (PCDD/F): Revisions to the Supplemental Quality Assurance Project Plan (SQAPP) Clarification
2008 Update on Pyrethroids and PBDE Analysis Status
2007 Chlordane Analysis and Reporting Clarification
2007 Benzofluoranthenes Analysis and Reporting Clarification
2005 Clarification of Detection Limits and Reporting Limits in the DMMP Clarification
2004 New DMMP Guidelines for Phthalates Clarification
2001 Chemical Analysis of Archived Sediment Samples Clarification
1999 Blank Correction for Method Blank Contaminated Chemical Samples Clarification
1998 TBT Analysis: Clarification of Interstitial Water Extraction and Analysis Methods – Interim Clarification
1997 Revisions to DMMP Screening and Maximum Level Guidelines Issue
1996 Testing, Reporting and Evaluation Of TBT Data in PSDDA And SMS Issue
1994 Use of Alternate Technologies under the Sediment Management Standards, Chapter 173-204 WAC Clarification
1992 Selective Ion Monitoring (SIM) Analysis: Quality Assurance/Control Requirements Clarification
1991 Modifications to the Chemical Testing Quality Assurance Guidelines Clarification
1991 Revised Modifications to Holding Times for PSDDA Chemical Analyses Clarification


Year Title Paper Type
2019 Description of Key Regulatory Guidelines on the Operation and Management of Non-Dispersive Open-Water Disposal Sites in Puget Sound Information
2016 Updated Dioxin Testing Requirements for Dispersive Disposal Sites in Puget Sound Clarification

Adoption of Elements of the Sediment Evaluation Framework for the Pacific Northwest for Use in the Dredged Material Management Program

2015 Debris Screening Requirements for Dredged Material Disposed at Open-Water Sites Clarification
2015 Proposal to Revise Freshwater Sediment Screening Levels Issue
2014 Recency Guideline Modifications Clarification
2012 Use of Practical Quantitation Limits (PQLs) to Establish Cleanup Standards for Contaminated Sediment Sites under the Sediment Management Standards (SMS) SMS Issue
2012 Transition from DAIS to EIM Clarification
2011 Marine Sediment Quality Screening Levels: Adopting RSET Marine SLs for Use in DMMP Clarification
2010 New Interim Guidelines for Dioxins - revised 2016 Issue
2010 Revised Supplemental Information on Polychlorinated Dioxins and Furans (PCDD/F) For Use in Preparing a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Clarification and technical guidelines
2010 Sediments Exposed by Dredging (Z-layer) Testing Clarification
2008 Quality of Post-Dredge Surfaces (Updated) Clarification
2008 Freshwater Sediment Guidelines Status Status
2008 Update on Pyrethroids and PBDE Analysis Status
2006 Volume Trigger Guideline for Monitoring at the CB Open Water Disposal Site Issue
2005 Clarification of Detection Limits and Reporting Limits in the DMMP Clarification
2005 Evaluation of Sediment Quality for Navigation, Cleanup or Both Clarification
2005 Future of the SMARM Process: Reducing Levels of Effort Issue
2004 Tier 1 Suitability Determinations: Exclusions From Testing Clarification
2004/2010 DMMP Disposal Site Coordinates Update and Clarification (updated 2010) Clarification
2003 Recency Guideline Exceedances: Guidelines for Retesting in High Ranked Areas Clarification
2003 Pre-Dredge Conference for Projects In Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay Clarification
2003 Determining When Material Above MHW/OHW Will be Characterized in DMMP Clarification
2002 Increasing the Volume Trigger for Monitoring of Non-Dispersive Disposal Sites Issue
2002 Recency Guidelines: Program Considerations Clarification
2001 DMMP Z-Sample Analysis Guidance and/or Post Dredge Monitoring Policy Clarification
2001 Reporting Sediment Quality for Compliance with the SMS Rule (173-204 WAC) Clarification
2001 Quality of Post-Dredge Sediment Surfaces Clarification
2000 Purpose of Maximum Level (ML) - Clarification of Use in Regulatory Program Clarification
1999 Discontinuation of Corps and DNR Supplied GPS for Open Water Disposal Clarification
1997 Revisions to DMMP Screening and Maximum Level Guidelines Issue
1997 Disposal Site Monitoring Chemical Evaluation Guidelines Clarification
1997 Management of Wood Waste under DMMP and SMS Clarification
1997 Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Clarification
1996 Small Dredging Projects at Outfalls Clarification
1994 Coordination and Testing of Dredge Material for Beneficial Uses Projects Clarification
1992 Improved Communication and Data Submittals Clarification
1991 PSDDA Requirements for Program Review Reports And Meetings Issue
1991 Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Clarification
1991 Applicant Data Submittal Clarification


Year Title Paper Type
2015 Modification to Ammonia and Sulfide Triggers for Purging and Reference Toxicant Testing for Marine Bioassays Clarification
2015 Freshwater Bioassays Species, Endpoint, Methods and Interpretive Criteria (update of 2014 paper) DMMP/RSET Clarification
2013 Bioassay Endpoint Refinements: Bivalve Larval and Neanthes Growth Bioassays Clarification
2008 Reference Areas for Freshwater Bioassays Clarification
2005 Sediment Larval Test Species Recommended for Toxicity Testing by the DMMP Program Clarification
2004 Ammonia and Sulfide Guidance Relative to Neanthes Growth Bioassay Clarification
2002 Ammonia and Amphipod Toxicity Testing Clarification
2001 Reporting Ammonia LC50 Data for Larval and Amphipod Bioassays Clarification
1999 Use Of Amphipod, Eohaustorius estuarius, Relative to Grain Size and Salinity Clarification
1998 BIOSTAT Software for the Analysis Of DMMP/SMS Bioassay Data Clarification
1997 Selection of Negative Control Sediments and Use of Control Sediments as Reference Sediments Clarification
1996 Statistical Evaluation of Bioassay Results Clarification
1996 Neanthes 20-Day Bioassay - Further Clarification on Negative Control Growth Standard, Initial Size, and Feeding Protocol Clarification
1995 Interim Growth Rate and Mortality Guidelines for the Neanthes 20-Day Growth Bioassay Clarification
1995 In-Batch Testing for Reference Sediments for PSDDA Bioassays Clarification
1994 Restriction on exotic species importation Clarification
1994 Interim Revised Performance Standards for the Sediment Larval Bioassay Revised Clarification
1994 Neanthes 20-Day Bioassay - Interpretation Clarifications Clarification
1993 Species Substitution for the 10-Day Amphipod Bioassay Clarification
1993 The Neanthes 20-Day Bioassay - Requirements for Ammonia/Sulfides Monitoring and Initial Weight Clarification
1992 Implementation of the Neanthes 20-Day Sediment Bioassay Issue
1991 Modifications to Holding Time for Biological Testing Issue
1991 Echinoderm Embryo Sediment Bioassay Protocol Clarification
1991 PSDDA Requirement to Collect and Report Amphipod Reburial Data Clarification
1990 Wet Sieving Method for Reference Sediment Grain Size Matching Clarification
1990 Requirements for Analyzing Sediment Conventionals in Reference Areas and Water Quality in Bioassays Clarification
1990 Activities to Provide Better Reference Areas Status

Related Technical Documents

Workshop Report from Statistical Experts' Workshop, October 2008.  Sponsored by:  Regional Sediment Evalutation Team (RSET), DMMP Dioxin Workgroup, and EPA Region 10 Superfund.