Puget Sound and Adjacent Waters Restoration, WA
Section 544 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000, as amended
In addition to the Continuing Authorities Program, Seattle District has a special CAP-like authority called the Puget Sound and Adjacent Waters Restoration Program. The program area encompasses over 15,000 square miles in northwest Washington State, and incorporates all waters in the Puget Sound drainage basin and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The program purpose is ecosystem restoration. The Puget Sound and Adjacent Waters Restoration Program implements restoration projects with immediate ecosystem benefits by using existing plans to the maximum extent practical. Priority projects are selected by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by consulting with regional stakeholders including, non-profit organizations, state and federal agencies.
Puget Sound and Adjacent Waters Restoration is supported by multiple federal, state and local agencies, and tribes and is a key component of the Puget Sound Partnership Action Agenda. The program is part of an ongoing effort to restore and improve anadramous fish habitat throughout the Sound, especially following the Endangered Species Act salmon listings of March 1999. Many view this initiative as a critical delivery process for scientifically sound ecosystem restoration. The program consultation includes Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, Puget Sound Federal Caucus and Washington State Puget Sound Partnership on the Washington State’s Action Agenda.