Electronic Permit Guidebook

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Approved Jurisdictional Determinations

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 Information on Approved and Preliminary Jurisdictional Determinations

Although not required for our permit process, you may request a jurisdictional determination (JD) from the Corps to verify the presence or absence of waters of the U. S. on your project site.  If requested, we can proceed in one of two ways.  You may request either a preliminary or approved jurisdictional determination as explained below: 

Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination:  A preliminary JD (PJD) is a written indication that waters on the property may be waters of the United States.  Such waters will be treated as jurisdictional waters of the U.S. for purposes of evaluating project impacts.  While a PJD is not appealable, the applicant can, at any time, request an approved JD for the site.  The PJD may be used if the applicant wants to document Corps jurisdiction without further delay.  

Approved Jurisdictional Determination:  An applicant may request an approved JD (AJD), which is an official determination regarding the presence or absence of waters of the U.S.  If an AJD is requested, please be aware that we may have to conduct a site visit and require the submittal of additional information.  Depending on our determination, we may have to coordinate with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Corps Headquarters on our findings before making an official determination.  An AJD is appealable and is most often requested when an applicant questions the Corps’ jurisdiction or the boundaries of jurisdictional waters.

If you would like to request a jurisdictional determination, please complete this Request Form (page 5 of Regulatory Guidance Letter 16-01) or this form and return to your assigned project manager at the Corps.  Please be sure to include your Corps Reference Number on the form. 



Click on the Corps Reference Number to view the specific approved jurisdictional determination

Corps Reference Number

Project Name Date of JD
NWS-2023-655 Talbot Real Estate LLC 14-Nov-2024
NWS-2024-595 James Street Partners, LLC 6-Nov-2024
NWS-2024-441 Port of Bellingham 6-Nov-2024
NWS-2024-552 Sunrise Meadows 23-Oct-2024
NWS-2024-559 Jackson Main Architecture 22-Oct-2024
NWS-2024-124 Turna Three, LLC 10-Oct-2024
NWS-2024-176 Spartan Investment Group LLC 23-Sep-2024
NWS-2023-867 Mainvue Homes 5-Sep-2024
NWS-2023-790 PK Properties LLC 9-Aug-2024
NWS-2023-824 (Revised) NW Ecological Services 24-Jul-2024
NWS-2023-672 Sager Development Inc. 1-Jul-2024
NWS-2023-447 Breen, Debra 28-May-2024
NWS-2024-395 Bellingham School District #501 8-May-2024
NWS-2023-122-WRD Seattle, Port of  7-May-2024
NWS-2023-837 Harbour Homes, LLC 23-Apr-2024
NWS-2023-31 Tenaska 18-Apr-2024
NWS-2023-835 Soundview Consultants, LLC 2-Apr-2024
NWS-2018-1114 CalPortland 27-Mar-2024
NWS-2023-828 Alliance Properties 26-Mar-2024
NWS-2019-511 STC JV1, LLC and STCA, LLC 19-Mar-2024
NWS-2024-55 Ravensdale, LLC 15-Mar-2024
NWS-2023-963 Soundview Consultants, LLC 14-Mar-2024
NWS-2024-138 Maris, William 6-Mar-2024
NWS-2023-824 NW Ecological Services 5-Mar-2024
NWS-2023-967 Sandhu, Rajinder 12-Feb-2024
NWS-2014-514 Terrene Property Group 31-Jan-2024
NWS-2023-901 NW Ecological Services, LLC 30-Jan-2024
NWS-2018-304 Lacamas Shores Homeowners Association 19-Jan-2024
NWS-2023-620 Vector Development Company  5-Jan-2024
NWS-2021-234 Mount Vernon Battery Storage, LLC  5-Jan-2024
NWS-2023-42A High Tower Business Park, LLC and Big Cigar, LLC 3-JAN-2024

Click on the Corps Reference Number to view the specific approved jurisdictional determination

Corps Reference Number

Project Name Date of JD
NWS-2018-743 Clark County Saddle Club 18 -Apr-2018
NWS-2007-262 Flynn, Michael 19-Sept-2018
NWS-2017-627 Pierce County Transit South Base 5-Sept-2018
NWS-2018-30 Koopman Property 23-Mar-2018
NWS-2017-46 King County ILF Program-Skyway/Taylor Creek 16-Feb-2018
NWS-2018-991 Buckley, City of 19-Dec-2018
NWS-2018-903 Kirkland, City of 18-Dec-2018
NWS-2018-531  King County ILF (Taylor Creek) 30-Nov-2018
NWS-2018-557  Kirkland, City of; Public Works 20-Nov-2018 
NWS-2018-577 Kirkland, City of; Public Works  31-Oct-2018
NWS-2018-128  Luzee Properties 13-Nov-2018 
NWS-2018-970  Tacoma, Port of 31-Oct-2018
NWS-2007-1848  Hall Equities Group 25-Oct-2018
NWS-2018-198  Innovative Solar 370 22-Oct-2018
NWS-2018-543  King County Water and Land Resources Division 17-Oct-2018
NWS-2018-987  Queen Anne Hill 16-Oct-2018
NWS-2018-129  Searles, Keith 10-Oct-2018
NWS-2013-1198  Toll WA LP     20-Sep- 2018
NWS-2015-413  Wapato Valley Mitigation and Conservation Bank 6-Sep-2018
NWS-2018-534 Canfield, Gary 3-Aug-2018
NWS-2018-62  Brice, William 29 June 2018
NWS-2014-117  Rising Tides, LLC 5 April 2018
OYB-N-9860  Pacific Coast Coal Company 25 June 2018
NWS-2017-716 Form 1; NWS-2017-716 Form 2  Singh, Joe 23 May 2018
NWS-2017-951  Bainter Group, LLC  1 May 2018
NWS-2018-147-DOT  WA ST Dept of Transportation  30 April 2018
NWS-2016-683 Form 1; NWS-2016-683 Form 2     Spire, LLC 26 March 2018    

Click on the Corps Reference Number to view the specific approved jurisdictional determination

Corps Reference Number

Project Name Date of JD
NWS-2018-1136 Bonneville Power Administration -Klickitat Hatchery 9-Dec-2019
NWS-2019-168 Comis, John 10-Oct-2019
NWS-2019-585 Retreat at Pullman, LLC-Residential development 8-Aug-2019
NWS-2019-33 Velendo Light Industrial Park 1-Jul-2019
NWS-2019-335 Kirkland, City of 100th Avenue NE 11-Jun-2019
NWS-2019-289 Whole Water Systems LLC 19-Dec-2019
NWS-2018-481 Queen City Farms Inc 18-Dec-2019
NWS-2018-1120-WRD Port of Seattle 6-Dec-2019
NWS-2019-857 Sather A, LLC 19-Nov-2019
NWS-2019-230 Bachman Environmental LLC 16-Oct-2019
NWS-2019-724 The Hotel Group 11-Oct-2019
NWS-2018-304 Lacamas Shores Homeowners Assn 20-Sep-2019
NWS-2019-511 Wetland Resources Inc 1-Oct-2019
NWS-2019-103 Costco Wholesale 26-Sep-2019
NWS-2019-193 WA Air National Guard 23-Jul-2019
NWS-2019-258 King County Solid Waste Division 8-Jul-2019
NWS-2018-730 Wetland Resources Inc. 20-Jun-2019
NWS-2019-186 Wetland Resources Inc. 11-Jun-2019
NWS-2018-1170 Prospect Development, LLC 28-May-2019
NWS-2019-349 National Park Service 13-May-2019
NWS-2019-274 Whatcom County 13-May-2019
NWS-2004-357 Mitzel, Dan 26-Apr-2019
NWS-2018-1114 Stoltz, Peter 16-Apr-2019
NWS-2018-1181 Bothell, City of 2-Apr-2019
NWS-2018-1061 Battle Ground, City of 8-Mar-2019
NWS-2015-414 Keller Farm Mitigation Bank 27-Feb-2019
NWS-2019-107 Seattle Housing Authority 25-Feb-2019
NWS-2018-725 City of Kenmore 07-Feb-2019
NWS-2018-717 NP Hawks Prairie LLC 16-Jan-2019
NWS-2018-1204-WRD Pierce County 19-Feb-2019

Click on the Corps Reference Number to view the specific approved jurisdictional determination

Corps Reference Number

Project Name Date of JD
NWS-2020-1022 Hurley Development 16-Dec-2020
NWS-2020-1019 Bella Vista Vancouver, LLC 16-Nov-2020
NWS-2020-570 Grette Associates 12-Nov-2020
NWS-2018-443 Tremont, LLC 10-Nov-2020
NWS-2020-908 Reid Development Group LLC 9-Nov-2020
NWS-2017-430 Tremont, LLC 3-Nov-2020
NWS-2019-929 NORDCO 3-Nov-2020
NWS-2020-38 Carey Homes, LLC 8-Oct-2020
NWS-2020-120 Copper Ridge, LCC 5-Oct-2020
NWS-2020-948 503 Battle Ground Subdivision LLC 2-Oct-2020
NWS-2020-771 Brainard Scott 21-Sept-2020
NWS-2019-598 STC JV 2 LLC 17-Jun-2020
NWS-2020-889 Yakima Nation Housing Authority 24-Sept-2020
NWS-2020-697 Benaroya Capitol Company 17-Sept-2020
NWS-2017-606 Overbeck, Mike 11-Sept-2020
NWS-2018-173 Sound Transit 14-Aug-2020
NWS-2020-388 Sunnyside Village Cohousing 24-Jul-2020
NWS-2020-110 Basal Capital Group 31-Jul-2020
NWS-2020-571 North Point Development 30-Jul-2020
NWS-2020-140 Seattle Public Utilities 13-Jul-2020

King County Solid Waste

NWS-2019-597 STCA, LLC 5-Jun-2020
NWS-2019-390 Bonesz, Kathleen 10-Jun-2020
NWS-2020-33 Lake Ballinger 18-Jun-2020
NWS-2019-789 STCA, LLC 17-Jun-2020
NWS-2020-37 Zahradnick Property 19-May-2020
NWS-2019-1012 Form 1 Grandview Inc 29-Apr-2020
NWS-2019-1012 Form 2 Grandview Inc 29-Apr-2020
NWS-2019-103 Costco Wholesale 19-Mar-2020
NWS-2019-709 Cadman Materials 17-Mar-2020
NWS-2020-163-WRD Tacoma, Port of 27-Feb-2020

Click on the Corps Reference Number to view the specific approved jurisdictional determination

Corps Reference Number

Project Name Date of JD
NWS-2021-434 Washington Department of Social and Health Services 16-Jun-2021
NWS-2021-516 Panattoni Development Company, Inc. 9-Jul-2021
NWS-2021-1038 Cowden, Brent 22-Dec-2021
NWS-2021-1091 Sammamish Plateau Water 6-Dec-2021
NWS-2021-941 Wetland Resources (North County Fire/EMS) 24-Nov-2021
NWS-2021-919 Ravensdale LLC 24-Nov-2021
NWS-2021-344 Trammel Crow (13510 Canyon Road East) 9-Nov-2021
NWS-2021-844 Harbour Homes 4-Nov-2021
NWS-2021-822 MVLDC, LLC 3-Nov-2021
NWS-2020-1082 CCH Joint Venture 28-Oct-2021
NWS-2021-455 Whiskey Ridge Land Development Company 24-Aug-2021
NWS-2021-367 Holland, Justin 19-Aug-2021
NWS-2021-728 Brown, Josiah 11-Aug-2021
NWS-2021-364 U.S. Golden Eagle Farms LP 3-Aug-2021
NWS-2021-308 McCucheon, Patrick 3-Aug-2021
NWS-2021-59 Haertl Development Co 3-Aug-2021
NWS-2021-313 Elwood Holdings LLC 30-Jul-2021
NWS-2021-346 Williams, Chad 28-Jul-2021
NWS-2017-1077 Ostenson, Dana 20-Jul-2021
NWS-2021-645 Michael, Ralph 20-Jul-2021
NWS-2021-619 Motorcourt LLC 19-Jul-2021
NWS-2021-637 Appel, Rich 13-Jul-2021
NWS-2021-542 Reid Development Group 13-Jul-2021
NWS-2021-130 Williams Investments 16-Jun-2021
NWS-2021-199 KB Homes 29-Jun-2021
NWS-2021-492 Abulnaga, Baha 7-Jul-2021
NWS-2021-384 Confluence Environmental Group 23-Jun-2021
NWS-2021-450 Land Use Consulting and Development 25-May-2021
NWS-2021-416 Bridge Development Partners LLC 14-May-2021
NWS-2021-421 Cooke Road LLC 3-May-2021
NWS-2021-171 BNSF Railway 21-Apr-201
NWS-2021-189 OER WA Solar 1, LLC 15-Apr-2021
NWS-2021-131 Cluen, George 28-Apr-2021
NWS-2021-301 Wilson, Rick and Mary 26-Apr-2021
NWS-2021-151 Sewall Wetland Consulting Inc. 12-Apr-2021
NWS-2019-820 Douglass, Harlan 31-Mar-2021
NWS-2020-754 Soundview Consultants, LLC (Maplewood Crossing)   26-Mar-2021
NWS-2021-148 Summit Strategic Weapons, LLC 2-Apr-2021
NWS-2021-300 Cheema, Gursher 1-Apr-2021
NWS-2020-571 NorthPoint Development (Cascade Logistics Park)   31-Mar-2021
NWS-2021-86 Habitat for Humanity 23-Mar-2021
NWS-2021-180 Clark County Public Works 26-Mar-2021
NWS-2021-495 Hoetger, Jason 23-Mar-2021
NWS-2021-234 NextEra Energy Resources 23-Mar-2021
NWS-2020-762 Woodin Creek Property LLC 22-Mar-2021
NWS-2021-49 Marion's Carpet & Flooring Warehouse      19-Mar-2021
NWS-2020-221 Kirkland, City of (Crestwood AJD) 11-Mar-2021
NWS-2020-1003 McElroy Road 4-Mar-2021
NWS-2021-130 Williams investments 24-Feb-2021
NWS-2020-768 Pacific Ridge DRH LLC 11-Feb-2021
NWS-2021-22 (REV) Trammell Crow Company 11-Feb-2021
NWS-2021-57 Brasino, John 2-Feb-2021
NWS-2020-1003 McElroy Road 1-Feb-2021
NWS-2020-1026 King County Facilities Mgmt Div. 19-Jan-2021
NWS-2020-364 NorthPoint Development LLC 19-Jan-2021
NWS-2020-829 North Columbia Homes LLC    6-Jan-2021

Click on the Corps Reference Number to view the specific approved jurisdictional determination

Corps Reference Number

Project Name Date of JD
NWS-2022-326 City of Issaquah Parks Department 17-Oct-2022
NWS-2022-468 Saint Andrews LLC (Caledon Subdivision) 12-Oct-2022
NWS-2022-341 Crow Holdings Industrial 29-Sep-2022
NWS-2021-669 Pacific Ridge Homes 31-Aug-2022
NWS-2021-1159 Toll Brothers, Inc 31-Aug-2022
NWS-2021-827 Cascade Medical Properties 27-Jun-2022
NWS-2022-35 Bouldin, Jon 09-Jun-2022
NWS-2021-947 Panattoni Development  03-Jun-2022
NWS-2022-397 Community Transit  01-Jun-2022
NWS-2020-762 Woodin Creek Subdivision LLC Form 1 of 2 24-May-2022
NWS-2020-762 Woodin Creek Subdivision LLC Form  2 of 2 24-May-2022
NWS-2022-380 Pacific Ridge Homes 17-May-2022
NWS-2020-557 Tacoma, Port of  01-Apr-2022
NWS-2021-488 Strickland Property 30-Mar-2022

Oakpoint Land Covington, LLC

NWS-2021-572 NCS Lands Form 1 of 2 28-Mar-2022


NCS Lands Form 2 of 2 28-Mar-2022

Click on the Corps Reference Number to view the specific approved jurisdictional determination

Corps Reference Number

Project Name Date of JD
NWS-2023-894 U.S. Golden Eagle Farms LP 29-Dec-2023
NWS-2023-527 Nealey, Julie 21-Dec-2023
NWS-2018-1194 Quintessential Homes WA 14-Dec-2023
NWS-2023-724 MainVue Homes 7-Dec-2023
NWS-2023-549 Zetterberg Custom Homes & Remodeling LLC 5-Dec-2023
NWS-2023-567 12009 Aqueduct LLC 4-Dec-2023
NWS-2023-695 Austin, Bryan 30-Nov-2023
NWS-2022-347 Creations Northwest, LLC 27-Nov-2023
NWS-2023-209 Bertch Capital Partners 6-Nov-2023
NWS-2023-563 City of Washougal 31-Oct-2023
NWS-2023-383 Bridge Development 30-Oct-2023
NWS-2023-60 Pacific Habitat Services, Inc. 23-Oct-2023
NWS-2022-412 Deacon Development LLC 23-Oct-2023
NWS-2023-568 JM1 Holdings LLC 2-Oct-2023
NWS-2023-42 High Tower Business Park, LLC and Big Cigar, LLC 6-Mar-2023
NWS-2022-439-DOT WA State Dept of Transportation (SR 526 Road Improvements)        23-Feb-2023
NWS-2022-544 Weeks, Michael 16-Feb-2023
NWS-2022-944 Port of Grays Harbor Terminal 4 Rehabilitation 8-Feb-2023
NWS-2022-803-WRD Pierce County Planning and Public Works 9-Jan-2023