How to apply for Section 408 permission
To determine if your project needs a Section 408 review, please copy and paste the requested information below, complete with your project details, to the following email address:
If needed, conventional mail should be sent to: Planning, Environmental and Cultural Resources Branch, ATTN: Sec 408 Coordinator, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 4735 E. Marginal Way S., Bldg. 1202, Seattle, WA 98134-2388
Contact info:
• Name (first/last)
• Mailing Address
• Phone number (555-555-5555)
• E-mail
• Applicant Entity (e.g. state agency/county/city/port/diking district/ private citizen/other)
• Applicant Representative (e.g. consultant/agent), if applicable
Project information:
• Project Title
• Name of USACE Regulatory POC / Number of USACE Regulatory Permit (if applicable)
• Location of proposed work (street/city/zip code)
• Latitude (in decimal degrees, i.e. 1.11)
• Longitude (in decimal degrees, i.e. 1.11)
• Google Maps link (Google Maps pin drop location via url)
• Describe the proposed project (be as detailed as possible)
• Current land ownership
• Section township range
• Work type (indicate one: new construction/maintenance/installation/dredging/environmental restoration/gravel mining)
• Other work type (if other work type, explain)
• Attachments (include in e-mail or if too large use and use as a recipient)
• Design drawings / conceptual sketches / area maps / other project design info