The M/V Puget is the debris recovery vessel for Seattle District. It operates under congressional authority listed below:
(a) Removal of Wrecks and Obstructions (Section 19, River and Harbor Act of 3 March 1899). The Corps may remove sunken vessels and similar objects if they are determined to be obstructions to navigation.
(b) Snagging and Clearing for Navigation (Section 3, River and Harbor Act of 1945). The Corps may remove trees, brush and other debris that may be determined to be obstructions to navigation or that may promote flooding.
(c) Drift and Debris Removal (Section 202, Water Resources Development Act Of 1976).
The Corps has continuing authority to study and undertake projects to remove and dispose of derelict objects such as sunken vessels, waterfront debris and derelict structures, and other sources of drift that may damage vessels or threaten public health, recreation, or the environment at publicly maintained commercial boat harbors. The harbor need not be, but usually is a Corps project. Congressional authorization is required for projects with Federal costs of $400,000 or more. (USACE Engineering Regulation 1105-2-100)