Puget Sound Sediment Reference Material

The Puget Sound Sediment Reference Material (SRM) has been developed to help assess/evaluate measurement accuracy and monitor laboratory performance when analyzing for chlorinated dioxin, furans, and biphenyl compounds in sediment samples collected from the Puget Sound area.  The SRM is currently available free of charge, though recipients must pay shipping costs.



Contact the DMMO

Seattle District (CENWS)
Dredged Material Management Office
4735 E. Marginal Way S. Bldg. 1202
Seattle, WA 98134-2388

PS-SRM requirements for DMMP projects

The DMMP Agencies updated the requirement for projects to analyze a certified reference material (CRM) or standard reference material (SRM) for standard dredging projects at the 2021 SMARM.  Use of a CRM/SRM is no longer required for standard DMMP projects.  However, there may be some instances when use of CRM/SRM may be required.  Projects may elect to run the PS-SRM or other CRM/SRM if desired. For more details see the 2021 Updates to Chemical Analysis and Data Quality Assurance Procedures Under the DMMP clarification paper.

Requesting and Using the PS-SRM

The guidance document provides instructions for obtaining, analyzing, and reporting on the SRM.  The guidance and procedures are intended to ensure that SRM users: 

  • Report methods used for analysis
  • Report QA/QC procedures used to verify and validate results, and
  • Report results that can be included in periodic recalculations of acceptance limits

The Puget Sound SRM has been established for chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins / chlorinated dibenzofurans (CDD/CDF), and/or chlorinated biphenyl (CB) congener analysis using high resolution gas chromatography / high resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS) methods. This SRM is also suitable for Aroclor analysis using gas chromatography/electron capture detection (GC/ECD) methods.

Use of the SRM REQUIRES submittal of data per the guidance document. Data submittal requirements are summarized at the bottom of the page.

Request the SRM

To access a fillable (.docx) form to submit electronically, click here

To access a printable (.pdf) form to fill out and submit, click here.

Data Submittal Requirements

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Expand List item 13094Collapse List item 13094  Required Deliverables

The required deliverables should be provided by the original SRM requester to the agency contact who will share this with the EPA Region 10 SRM Manager. The project name and SRM bottle number should be included in the email subject line.  

1.   SRM Sample Data Summary Report – either a Level 2 laboratory report, or a Contract Laboratory Program Form 1, providing a summary of the analytical parameters, analytical results, reporting limits, and laboratory qualifiers. At a minimum, the sample data summary report should include the following: 

·         Identification and quantitation of target analytes including dilution and reanalysis 
·         CAS numbers 
·         Laboratory name 
·         Project number 
·         Project name 
·         Sample ID number (SRM bottle bar code) 
·         Agency sample number (if applicable) 
·         Laboratory sample number 
·         Date SRM received by the lab 
·         Date and time of analysis 
·         For PCB Aroclor data, laboratory reporting limits and method detection limits 
·         For PCB Congener and D/F data, laboratory reporting limits and estimated detection limits 

·         Laboratory qualifiers and definitions 

2.        Data Validation Report – report that documents the analytical quality of the SRM data. This report confirms that data validation was completed to at least an EPA Stage 2B, per DMMP User Manual recommendations. The report documents the reasons for any failure to meet method, procedural, or contractual requirements, and provides an evaluation of the impact of such failure on the overall data set.  

3.  Validated Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) – an electronic, tabular format for sharing, manipulating, and using the data. EDDs should be submitted in Ecology’s EIM format.

Expand List item 13096Collapse List item 13096  Optional Deliverables

Laboratory Case Narrative – laboratory report narrative that describes the analytical process used to analyze the samples and any problems encountered in processing the samples, along with corrective action taken and problem resolution. The case narrative should be submitted with the SRM data if there were significant problems during sample analysis that affected the SRM or if there are other observations relevant to the SRM. 

Raw Data – laboratory worksheets, records, notes, or instrument printouts that are the result of original observations and activities. The chromatograms and integration reports associated with the SRM should be submitted with the SRM Sample Data Summary Report, if possible. 

Data Package – the entire laboratory package including all narratives, sample summary reports, QC reports, calibrations, and raw data. The full data package should only be submitted if there were significant QC failures that affect the SRM result or if the data did not go through the data validation process.