Author: Scott Lawrence
  • November

    Army Corps, Yakima conduct flood response training

    COVID-19 may have put a damper on how training and meetings are conducted, but Seattle District flood team managers learn to adapt, overcome and even improve on this year’s spring flood exercises.
  • January

    District conducts bat surveys as white-nose syndrome moves westward

    Working against time and the inevitable spread of a disease threatening bat populations across the country, Seattle District personnel are conducting wildlife surveys to determine which species live on Corps lands and if they are healthy.
  • December

    Bioremediation: Enlisting bacteria to battle contaminants

    "While most people don’t think of the Corps as leaders in groundwater remediation, our recent cutting edge successes at the Umatilla Chemical Depot and Naval Base Kitsap are starting to change that." --Mandy Michalsen, senior scientist for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle Disctrict, and technical lead for the bioremediation project
  • May

    Transforming agricultural lands into wetlands: Corps cleans lands, provides cleaner feeding ground

    To provide a cleaner waterfowl feeding ground in the midst of an area contaminated from historic mining operations, Seattle District, recently finished transforming agricultural lands into wetland habitat at a privately owned farm east of Lake Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.