US Army Corps of Engineers
Seattle District Website


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is steward of lands and waters at projects it manages for the nation

Public Input

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What is a Master Plan?

A Master Plan is a strategic planned land use management document that guides the management and development of all project recreational, natural and cultural resources throughout the life of a project.
  • It is developed, updated or revised to cover changing conditions at the project
  • Covers broad management objectives and land classification on project lands whether managed by Corps or others
  • Flood risk management, hydropower, navigation, fish passage, water supply, facility design and daily administration are considered under other plans
  • Ensures compliance with federal law, policy and regulation applicable to environmental stewardship and outdoor recreation management
  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires public involvement

Why are Master Plans important?

Plans provide consistency in a world of frequently changing leadership, and:
  • Help direct project use and development to support environmental sustainability and compatible outdoor recreation
  • Position the project to take advantage of unforeseen opportunities
  • Support projects under intense pressure of competing interests
  • Prevent uninformed reactions to proposals for short-term economic gain that are incompatible with project missions

What are the goals of a Master Plan?

The primary goals are to prescribe an overall land use management plan, resource objectives, and associated design and management concepts. Goals include:
  • Provide best management practices that can respond to regional needs, resource capabilities and suitabilities, and expressed public interests consistent with authorized project purposes
  • Provide public outdoor recreation opportunities that support project purposes and public demands created by the project itself while sustaining project natural resources
  • Protect and manage project natural and cultural resources through sustainable environmental stewardship programs
  • Recognize the particular qualities, characteristics and potentials of the project
  • Provide consistency and compatibility with national objectives and other state and regional goals and programs