US Army Corps of Engineers
Seattle District Website

List of Requirements for Endangered Species Act Programmatic Consultations

Programmatic Endangered Species Act Consultation has been completed for the activities listed below.  Please review the List of Requirements (TO BE POSTED SOON) which summarizes the information and limitations in the relevant Programmatic Biological Evaluations (PBE).  If you can design your project to meet all of the requirements of the PBE as shown in the List of Requirements, then the Corps' ESA review of your permit application will be expedited and streamlined. 

 Activity List of Requirements  Programmatic
Biological Evaluation
 PBE Introduction for 11 Activities Listed Below  -------  pdf
     Replacement of Existing Piling  ALL TO BE POSTED SOON  pdf
     Mooring Buoys    pdf
     Scientific Measurement Devices    pdf
     Minor Bank Stabilization Repair    pdf
     Aids to Navigation    pdf
     Fish and Wildlife Harvesting    pdf
     Beach and Substrate Nourishment    pdf
     Oil Spill Containment    pdf
     Temporary Recreational Structures    pdf
     Tideland Markers    pdf
 General Conditions for Activities Listed Above  -------  pdf
 -----------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------
Stream and River Habitat Restoration    pdf
Activities in Lakes Washington and Sammamish (Integrated Restoration and Permitting Program (IRRP))  Biological Opinion (pdf)