Electronic Permit Guidebook

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Regional General Permits

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 Overview of Regional General Permits (RGPs)

A reg­ional­ general permit (RGP) is a Department of the Army authorization that is issued on a regional (limited geographic scope) basis for a category of activities when those activities are substantially similar in nature and cause only minimal individual and cumulative impacts on the aquatic environment.

Each RGP has specific terms and conditions of which all mu­st be met in order for an applicant to qualify for an RGP. If your project does not comply with all of the terms and conditions, authorization may be received via another type of Department of the Army permit; however, the process will likely be a lengthier process. Therefore, to expedite our review of your application, we recommend you modify your project to meet all terms and conditions of the applicable RGP.


 List and Description of RGPs in the Seattle District



 RGP#  Description, Terms, and Conditions  Expiration
 4 Overwater Structures in Southern Lake Chelan (Full Text - 22 Nov 2021) 22 Nov 2026

RGP-4 General Conditions

Water Quality Certification

 8 U.S. Forest Service Aquatic Restoration Program Within Washington State (13 November 2023) 13 November 2028

Attachment A: Categories of Authorized Activities

Attachment B: Water Quality Certification

Attachment C: Coastal Zone Management



 Questions on RGPs?  Contact Us

Questions regarding the RGP process: Please contact Andrew Shuckhart, telephone (206) 316-3822.

Questions regarding RGP 4: Please contact Andrew Shuckhart, telephone (206) 316-3822.

Questions regarding RGP 8: Please contact Andrew Shuckhart, telephone (206) 316-3822.