The large lock at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in Ballard will close to all marine traffic from 8 a.m. until noon October 3 and from 11 p.m. October 10 until midnight October 11.
The October 3 closure allows Navy divers to safely clean the maintenance gate seals.
The 25-hour shutdown, beginning at 11 p.m. October 10, allows maintenance staff to test the new large pump’s dewatering capabilities, pumping out water from the large lock chamber until about midnight Wednesday, October 11.
Corps officials selected the early-morning and low-usage days to conduct the work that will, when complete, improve reliability for the nearly 100-year-old facility.
For more information about activities at the Locks, visit the Locks’ Web site at Also follow the Locks on Facebook and Twitter: and
Release no. 17-035