Archive: 2014
  • Corps of Engineers assisting with coastal storm protection

    Seattle District put its Emergency Operations center into operation Dec. 19 and has sent a team to assess coastal storm protection measures on the Olympic Peninsula. In addition, Ocean Shores has requested and received 5,000 sandbags and has requested technical assistance developing a monitoring plan.
  • Public comment period on draft Alki Coastal Erosion Control Project open until Dec. 31

    Seattle District has partnered with the Seattle Parks and Recreation to design and implement a coastal storm damage reduction project under Section 103 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1962, as amended. The public comment period for this project runs through Dec. 31.
  • Corps of Engineers wrapping up flood protection work

    Army Corps of Engineers teams are completing flood protection measures in the Skagit River basin and on the Olympic Peninsula. One team is assisting the Quileute Tribe at La Push, Wash., to place of as much as 500 tons of large rock at a jetty at risk of breaching and flooding the community. Another Corps team is completing work for Skagit River basin Diking Districts 1 and 17 to repair eroded areas.
  • Corps of Engineers assisting with flood protection work

    Army Corps of Engineers teams are supporting local communities with assistance and assessing flood protection measures in the Skagit and Nooksack River basins and on the Olympic Peninsula. Tuesday morning’s storm surge eroded 200 feet of the Hoh River coastal revetment. Overnight, a Corps team oversaw construction also providing equipment and rock to shore up the eroded area. The Corps’ Seattle District emergency operations center and reservoir control center remain in 24-hour-a-day operation to manage high inflows in the north cascades and Olympics.
  • Corps of Engineers assisting with flood protection assessments

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, put its Emergency Operations center into operation Dec. 8 and has sent teams to assess flood protection measures in the Skagit and Nooksack River basins and on the Olympic Peninsula. The Corps’ reservoir control center is also in 24-hour-a-day operation to manage anticipated high inflows in the north cascades and Olympics.
  • Army Corps of Engineers Receives New Biological Opinion

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced today that it received a final biological opinion from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries on the nationwide permits that were reissued on Feb. 13, 2012, and went into effect March 19, 2012.
  • Officials extend public comment period on Nearshore draft feasibility report, EIS to Jan. 8

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials are extending the public comment period to Jan. 8, 2015, for comments on the Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project Draft Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement.
  • Chittenden Locks large chamber closed Nov. 13-30

    The Hiram M. Chittenden Locks large chamber is closed to all marine traffic for annual maintenance from 9 a.m., Nov. 13 to 4 p.m., Nov. 30, 2014.
  • East and West Duwamish Waterway Deepening Public Open House

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Port of Seattle will host a meeting and open house to share information with the public regarding a study on deepening the East and West Duwamish waterways for the purpose of improving navigation. The meeting will be held at the Georgetown Campus of South Seattle Community College, Room C 110, Gene Colin Education Building, 6737 Corson Ave. South, Seattle. The open house begins at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 19.
  • Corps of Engineers, City of Auburn award Mill Creek Ecosystem Restoration Project

    Officials from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, awarded a contract on the eve of the 2014 Fiscal New Year to partner with the City of Auburn on a joint ecosystem restoration project on the Green/Duwamish River at Mill Creek in Auburn, Wash.