SEATTLE -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, will repair three levees in Whatcom County, Washington, beginning June 17.
The Ferndale, Hannegan, and Sande-Williams levees were damaged during flooding in November 2017 and the Sande-Williams levee was damaged again in November 2018. Seattle District, in cooperation with the city of Ferndale, Whatcom County, and Deming Diking District #2 will restore the level of flood protection existing prior to these damaging floods. Prior to the damage in 2017, the Ferndale levee offered a level of protection from a 100-year event. Hannegan provided protection from a 10-year event, and Sande-Williams a 28-year event.
The levees are all located along the Nooksack River. The projects will cost $106,300 for Ferndale, $480,300 for Hannegan, and $312,200 for Sande-Williams.
The projects are scheduled to begin June 17 and should be complete by August 2. Construction will occur within the “fish window” when crews can work in the water with the least amount of disruption to fish
Release no. 19-024