Water managers are targeting a typical annual
refill of the lake to elevation 22 feet with an interim target of 21.85 feet by
May 1. Fill rates and target elevations vary through May based on conditions.
Refilling the lake to 22 feet will help meet increased summer water use,
providing water necessary for fish passage, navigation and salinity control.
Private and commercial maritime interests along
Lake Washington Ship Canal and in Lakes Washington and Union should expect a
gradual rise from the winter level of 20 feet until the 22-foot target refill elevation
is reached around June 1. Vessel owners should closely monitor lake elevations
and adjust mooring lines as necessary.
The official lake level is measured at the
Locks. Lake Washington levels may vary due to the natural gradient between the
lake and the locks or wind that can push the lake levels up for short
durations. Depending on conditions, the lake may remain at the maximum target
elevation through June and July.
More information on Lake
Washington’s status is available on the Corps’ Seattle District Reservoir
Control Center website at http://bit.ly/NWS-RCC.
Release no. 16-005