SEATTLE--The Army Corps of Engineers proposes routine dredging and disposal activities associated with maintenance of the Westhaven Cove Small Boat Basin in Westport, Washington. The proposed work would dredge up to 75,000 cubic yards (cy) of material per dredging event from the boat basin and dispose of it at two open water disposal sites over the ten-year period of FY 2018 - 2027. The tentatively preferred alternative calls for dredging to be conducted with a clamshell dredge during the designated work window of 16 July through 31 January.
The purpose of the project is to maintain authorized depths at the two entrance channels, access channel, and turning basin of the Westhaven Cove Small Boat Basin for the safe transit of vessels. Maintenance of the basin waterways is important because the U.S. Coast Guard and commercial and tribal fishing fleets are moored in this basin and are critical to the local economy and the safety of this busy harbor.
The proposed dredged material has been tested and met open-water disposal criteria. All sediment testing data are available at the Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Dredge Material Management Office.
To avoid impacts to bull trout and out-migrating juvenile salmon, USACE would only dredge within the designated work window of 16 July through 31 January. A clamshell dredge would be used under the tentatively preferred alternative to reduce entrainment of fish, shrimp, and crabs.
The proposed placement has been evaluated for compliance with guidelines promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency under authority of Section 404(b)(1) of the Clean Water Act.
The State of Washington is reviewing this work for compliance with the applicable state and federal water quality standards pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The Corps has made a determination that the proposed work is consistent to the maximum practicable extent with the State of Washington Coastal Zone Management Program.
A public notice and a draft environmental assessment has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. The draft EA and public notice for the test dredging proposal are available on the Seattle District’s web site, The comment period for the dredging proposal expires August 12, 2017.
Replies to this Public Notice should be mailed to reach the District Engineer, ATTN: CENWS-PM-ER-17-7, PO Box 3755, Seattle, Washington 98124-3755, not later than August 12, 2017 for consideration.