Archive: May, 2022
  • Tacoma Harbor deepening project ready for Congressional consideration

    The Tacoma Harbor Navigation Improvement Project reached a major milestone this week with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lt. Gen. Scott A. Spellmon’s signing of the project’s Chief of Engineers’ Report May 26. This sets the stage for Congress to consider action to authorize and fund the project to deepen the Blair Waterway enabling the Port of Tacoma to handle new, larger container ships.
  • Lake Washington Annual Summer Refill Underway

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials began Lake Washington’s annual summer refill operations Feb.
  • Sturgeon flow augmentation begins May 16 at Libby Dam

    Water managers at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, along with federal, tribal, and state fishery biologists, have determined that spring run-off conditions warrant the commencement of required flow augmentation at Libby Dam, Montana, for endangered Kootenai River white sturgeon downstream in Idaho. The flow augmentation operation includes increasing outflows to provide river conditions that may increase sturgeon spawning success in the lower Kootenai River.